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Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
I. Call to Order - Dr. Leonard D. Wheeler, President -- 6:30 P.M. Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognition -- *6:35 P.M. * HCPS Educator Hall of Fame - Dr. Gerald Scarborough * 2011 Maryland Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council "Innovator of the Year" - Andrew Cassilly * Winter 2012 MHSCCA State Cheerleading Winner - Harford Technical High School Cheerleading Squad * Winter 2011-12 HCPS MPSSA Region/State Winners
III. Public Comment -- *6:55 P.M.
IV. Introductions -- *7:05 P.M.
V. Board Committee Reports and Comments -- *7:10 P.M.
VI. Old Business Action Item(s):
A. Consent Agenda: - *7:25 P.M.
1) Minutes of Previous Meetings: (Goal 1-4) * March 12, 2012
2) Monthly Report on Personnel, Tenure Recommendation (Goal 3 )
3) Decision on School/Organization Sponsored Project: Patterson Mill Middle/High School Purchase and Install Scoreboard (Goal 4)
4) Decision on School/Organization Sponsored Project: Southampton Middle School Green School Courtyard Project (Goal 4)
5) Decision on Performance Contracting (Goal 4)
6) Decision on Contract Award for Fleet Vehicle - Hickory International, Inc. (Goal 4)
7) Appointment of 2013-14 Calendar Committee Members Board Report, 2013-2014 Calendar Committee Members (Goal 3)
8) Approval of the One Time Payment from Harford County Government (Goal 3)
9) Decision on Award of Facilities Solutions Contract (Goal 3)
10) Resolutions: (Goal 3) * The Week of the Young Child
VI. New Business Action Item(s):
B. Decision on Refinancing the A.A. Roberty Building Certificates of Deposit and the Harford County Phase I and Phase II Energy Leases (Goal 3) - *7:30 P.M.
C. Legislative Update and Possible Action, Mrs. Kathryn M. Carmello (Goal 3) - *7:50 P.M.
A. Consent Agenda: - *7:25 P.M.
VII. Presentations(s):
D. Superintendent's Report -- *8:10 P.M.
VIII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
Mar 26, 2012 Board of Education Business Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
I. Call to Order - Dr. Leonard D. Wheeler, President -- 6:30 P.M. Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognition -- *6:35 P.M. * HCPS Educator Hall of Fame - Dr. Gerald Scarborough * 2011 Maryland Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council "Innovator of the Year" - Andrew Cassilly * Winter 2012 MHSCCA State Cheerleading Winner - Harford Technical High School Cheerleading Squad * Winter 2011-12 HCPS MPSSA Region/State Winners
III. Public Comment -- *6:55 P.M.
IV. Introductions -- *7:05 P.M.
V. Board Committee Reports and Comments -- *7:10 P.M.
VI. Old Business Action Item(s):
A. Consent Agenda: - *7:25 P.M.
1) Minutes of Previous Meetings: (Goal 1-4) * March 12, 2012
2) Monthly Report on Personnel, Tenure Recommendation (Goal 3 )
3) Decision on School/Organization Sponsored Project: Patterson Mill Middle/High School Purchase and Install Scoreboard (Goal 4)
4) Decision on School/Organization Sponsored Project: Southampton Middle School Green School Courtyard Project (Goal 4)
5) Decision on Performance Contracting (Goal 4)
6) Decision on Contract Award for Fleet Vehicle - Hickory International, Inc. (Goal 4)
7) Appointment of 2013-14 Calendar Committee Members Board Report, 2013-2014 Calendar Committee Members (Goal 3)
8) Approval of the One Time Payment from Harford County Government (Goal 3)
9) Decision on Award of Facilities Solutions Contract (Goal 3)
10) Resolutions: (Goal 3) * The Week of the Young Child
VI. New Business Action Item(s):
B. Decision on Refinancing the A.A. Roberty Building Certificates of Deposit and the Harford County Phase I and Phase II Energy Leases (Goal 3) - *7:30 P.M.
C. Legislative Update and Possible Action, Mrs. Kathryn M. Carmello (Goal 3) - *7:50 P.M.
A. Consent Agenda: - *7:25 P.M.
VII. Presentations(s):
D. Superintendent's Report -- *8:10 P.M.
VIII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
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