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Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
I. Call to Order - Mrs. Nancy Reynolds, Board President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognition: School Nutrition Association Awards (Goal 2)
III. Board Committee Reports and Comments
IV. Public Comment
V. Old Business
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goals 1,2 & 4)
2) Monthly Personnel Report (Goal 3)
3) Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: July 21, 2014 (Goals 1 - 4)
4) Contract Award: On-Call Electrical Services (Goal 4)
5) Contract Award: Architectural/Engineering Services Darlington Elementary School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement Project (Goal 4)
6) Contract Award: Architectural/Engineering Services Dublin Elementary School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement Project (Goal 4)
7) Contract Award: Youth's Benefit Elementary School Building Bid Packages 2A and 9A (Goal 4)
8) Recommendation of Audit Committee Candidate (Goal 4)
B. Decision on HCPS Board Policy, Patrick P. Spicer, Esq. * Policy No. 08-006-000 Use of Drug Detecting Dogs in Secondary Schools (Goals 1 - 4) Presentation(s):
C. Presentation of FY 2016 Capital Improvement Program, Mr. Cornell Brown, Mr. Chris Morton, Ms. Patti Jo Beard (Goal 4)
VI. New Business
D. Decision on Havre de Grace Middle/High Replacement School Schematic Design Ms. Karen Burlingame and David Strang -Grimm & Parker Architects, Mr. Cornell Brown, Mr. Chris Morton, Ms. Ariana Langford (Goal 4) Presentation(s):
E. Superintendent's Report
VII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
Aug 18, 2014 Board of Education Business Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
I. Call to Order - Mrs. Nancy Reynolds, Board President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognition: School Nutrition Association Awards (Goal 2)
III. Board Committee Reports and Comments
IV. Public Comment
V. Old Business
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goals 1,2 & 4)
2) Monthly Personnel Report (Goal 3)
3) Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: July 21, 2014 (Goals 1 - 4)
4) Contract Award: On-Call Electrical Services (Goal 4)
5) Contract Award: Architectural/Engineering Services Darlington Elementary School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement Project (Goal 4)
6) Contract Award: Architectural/Engineering Services Dublin Elementary School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement Project (Goal 4)
7) Contract Award: Youth's Benefit Elementary School Building Bid Packages 2A and 9A (Goal 4)
8) Recommendation of Audit Committee Candidate (Goal 4)
B. Decision on HCPS Board Policy, Patrick P. Spicer, Esq. * Policy No. 08-006-000 Use of Drug Detecting Dogs in Secondary Schools (Goals 1 - 4) Presentation(s):
C. Presentation of FY 2016 Capital Improvement Program, Mr. Cornell Brown, Mr. Chris Morton, Ms. Patti Jo Beard (Goal 4)
VI. New Business
D. Decision on Havre de Grace Middle/High Replacement School Schematic Design Ms. Karen Burlingame and David Strang -Grimm & Parker Architects, Mr. Cornell Brown, Mr. Chris Morton, Ms. Ariana Langford (Goal 4) Presentation(s):
E. Superintendent's Report
VII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
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