Video index
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
I. Call to Order - Board President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognition: HCPS Educator Hall of Fame Induction * Lynne E. Owen * George D. Clark * David J. Simmons
III. Board Committee Reports and Comments
IV. Public Comment
V. Old Business
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Monthly Report on Personnel (Goal 3)
2) Minutes of Previous Board Meetings: (Goals 1-4) * June 4, 2014 * June 9, 2014
3) Award of Contract: Demolition and Removal of Relocatable Classrooms (Goal 4)
4) Award of Contract: Ice Cream Food Products (Goal 4)
5) Award of Contract: Microsoft Campus Renewal (Goal 1)
6) Award of Contract Expansion: Increase Services for the Extended Day Tutoring (Goal 1)
VI. New Business
B. Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Dr. Susan Austin (Goal 3)
C. Decision on Transfer of Funds Between Capital Projects, Mr. Jim Jewell and Mr. Cornell Brown (Goal 4)
D. Decision on Award of Contract: Youth's Benefit Elementary School Replacement School, Mr. Cornell Brown (Goal 4)
E. Decision on 2014 Educational Facilities Master Plan, Mr. Cornell Brown (Goal 4) Presentation(s):
F. Presentation of Capital Improvement Program for FY2016, Mr. Cornell Brown (Goal 4)
G. Superintendent's Report
VII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
Jun 23, 2014 Board of Education Business Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
I. Call to Order - Board President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognition: HCPS Educator Hall of Fame Induction * Lynne E. Owen * George D. Clark * David J. Simmons
III. Board Committee Reports and Comments
IV. Public Comment
V. Old Business
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Monthly Report on Personnel (Goal 3)
2) Minutes of Previous Board Meetings: (Goals 1-4) * June 4, 2014 * June 9, 2014
3) Award of Contract: Demolition and Removal of Relocatable Classrooms (Goal 4)
4) Award of Contract: Ice Cream Food Products (Goal 4)
5) Award of Contract: Microsoft Campus Renewal (Goal 1)
6) Award of Contract Expansion: Increase Services for the Extended Day Tutoring (Goal 1)
VI. New Business
B. Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Dr. Susan Austin (Goal 3)
C. Decision on Transfer of Funds Between Capital Projects, Mr. Jim Jewell and Mr. Cornell Brown (Goal 4)
D. Decision on Award of Contract: Youth's Benefit Elementary School Replacement School, Mr. Cornell Brown (Goal 4)
E. Decision on 2014 Educational Facilities Master Plan, Mr. Cornell Brown (Goal 4) Presentation(s):
F. Presentation of Capital Improvement Program for FY2016, Mr. Cornell Brown (Goal 4)
G. Superintendent's Report
VII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
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