Video index
I. Call to Order - Mrs. Nancy Reynolds, President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
II. Recognition: Boys 2 Men of Harford County Public Schools (Goal 2)
III. Board Committee Reports and Comments
IV. Public Comment
V. Old Business
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goal 4)
2) Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: April 28 2014 (Goals 1 - 4)
3) School/Organization Sponsored Project - Harford Glen Lower Wheel Creek Stream Restoration Project (Goal 4)
4) Award of Contract: Youth's Benefit Elementary School Temporary Septic Tanks (Goal 4)
5) Award of Contract: Youth's Benefit Elementary On-Site Relocatable Movement and Placement of Existing Relocatable Units (Goal 4)
6) Award of Contract: Wi-Fi Network Infrastructure and Equipment (Goal 4)
VI. New Business
B. Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Mrs. Jean Mantegna (Goal 3) Presentation(s):
C. Presentation on Performance Contracting Status Report, PowerPoint Presentation, Mr. Andrew P. Cassilly (Goal 4)
D. Presentation on Quarterly Financial Report for Period Ended March 31, 2014, Mr. Jim Jewell (Goal 4)
E. Presentation on OPEB Transfer and Premium Holiday and Supplemental Appropriation of Fund Balance - Transfers Between State Categories, Mr. Jim Jewell (Goal 3)
VII. Closing Superintendent's Report Future Meetings Review Adjournment
May 12, 2014 Board of Education Business Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
I. Call to Order - Mrs. Nancy Reynolds, President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
II. Recognition: Boys 2 Men of Harford County Public Schools (Goal 2)
III. Board Committee Reports and Comments
IV. Public Comment
V. Old Business
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goal 4)
2) Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: April 28 2014 (Goals 1 - 4)
3) School/Organization Sponsored Project - Harford Glen Lower Wheel Creek Stream Restoration Project (Goal 4)
4) Award of Contract: Youth's Benefit Elementary School Temporary Septic Tanks (Goal 4)
5) Award of Contract: Youth's Benefit Elementary On-Site Relocatable Movement and Placement of Existing Relocatable Units (Goal 4)
6) Award of Contract: Wi-Fi Network Infrastructure and Equipment (Goal 4)
VI. New Business
B. Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Mrs. Jean Mantegna (Goal 3) Presentation(s):
C. Presentation on Performance Contracting Status Report, PowerPoint Presentation, Mr. Andrew P. Cassilly (Goal 4)
D. Presentation on Quarterly Financial Report for Period Ended March 31, 2014, Mr. Jim Jewell (Goal 4)
E. Presentation on OPEB Transfer and Premium Holiday and Supplemental Appropriation of Fund Balance - Transfers Between State Categories, Mr. Jim Jewell (Goal 3)
VII. Closing Superintendent's Report Future Meetings Review Adjournment
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