Video index
I. Call to Order - Dr. Leonard D. Wheeler, President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
II. Public Comment
III. Introductions
IV. Old Business
V. Action Item(s):
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goal 4)
2) Minutes of Previous Meeting: August 13, 2012 (Goals 1 - 4)
3) Decision on School Sponsored Project: Aberdeen High School Electronic Scoreboard (Goal 4)
4) Decision on Award of Contract: A/E Services for Magnolia Middle School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement (Goal 4)
5) Decision on Award of Contract: A/E Services for North Harford Elementary HVAC (Goal 4)
6) Decision on Recommendation of Candidate for Audit Committee (Goal 4)
VI. Presentation & Discussion(s):
B. Capital Improvement Program FY14, Mr. Cornell S. Brown (Goal 4) * FY14 CIP Request * FY14 CIP Proposed Budget Request * FY14 County Worksheets * Discussion on FY14 Final Proposed Budget
VII. New Business Presentation(s):
C. Quarterly Financial Report for Period Ending June 30, 2012 Mr. James M. Jewell (Goal 3)
D. Superintendent's Report
VIII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
Sep 10, 2012 Board of Education Business Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
I. Call to Order - Dr. Leonard D. Wheeler, President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
II. Public Comment
III. Introductions
IV. Old Business
V. Action Item(s):
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goal 4)
2) Minutes of Previous Meeting: August 13, 2012 (Goals 1 - 4)
3) Decision on School Sponsored Project: Aberdeen High School Electronic Scoreboard (Goal 4)
4) Decision on Award of Contract: A/E Services for Magnolia Middle School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement (Goal 4)
5) Decision on Award of Contract: A/E Services for North Harford Elementary HVAC (Goal 4)
6) Decision on Recommendation of Candidate for Audit Committee (Goal 4)
VI. Presentation & Discussion(s):
B. Capital Improvement Program FY14, Mr. Cornell S. Brown (Goal 4) * FY14 CIP Request * FY14 CIP Proposed Budget Request * FY14 County Worksheets * Discussion on FY14 Final Proposed Budget
VII. New Business Presentation(s):
C. Quarterly Financial Report for Period Ending June 30, 2012 Mr. James M. Jewell (Goal 3)
D. Superintendent's Report
VIII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
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