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Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
I. Call to Order - Mr. Francis F. Grambo, III, President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognitions: * Hall of Fame Educator - Dr. Dennis L. Kirkwood * Hickory Elementary School, Maryland Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education School Award * Jessica Hoover, Outstanding Educator in Gifted and Talented Education * 2012 National Board Certified Teachers
III. Public Comment Introductions
IV. Board Committee Reports and Comments
V. Old Business
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Monthly Report on Personnel
2) Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: February 11, 2013
3) Resolutions: * Gifted and Talented Education Month * National Music in Our Schools and Youth Art Month * Maryland Women's History Month and International Women's Day
4) Decision on School/Organization Sponsored Project: Norrisville Elementary School Bioretention and Rain Garden Facilities
5) Decision on School/Organization Sponsored Project: Patterson Mill Middle/High School Riparian Forest Buffer Planting
VI. New Business
B. Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Ms. Jean Mantegna Presentation(s):
C. Presentation of HCPS Board Policies, Patrick P. Spicer, Esq. * Advertising (Policy No. 06-0024-000) * Memorials on School Grounds (Policy No. 06-0025-000) * Naming of Public School Buildings or Facilities (Policy No. 20-0024-000)
D. Strategic Plan Update #4, Presentation on Student and Parent Satisfaction Survey, Ms. Teri Kranefeld, Ms. Leann Schubert, Mr. Phil Snyder * Informational Report
E. Presentation of Legislative Update, Ms. Kathy Carmello
F. Superintendent's Report
VII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
Feb 25, 2013 Board of Education Business Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
I. Call to Order - Mr. Francis F. Grambo, III, President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognitions: * Hall of Fame Educator - Dr. Dennis L. Kirkwood * Hickory Elementary School, Maryland Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education School Award * Jessica Hoover, Outstanding Educator in Gifted and Talented Education * 2012 National Board Certified Teachers
III. Public Comment Introductions
IV. Board Committee Reports and Comments
V. Old Business
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Monthly Report on Personnel
2) Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: February 11, 2013
3) Resolutions: * Gifted and Talented Education Month * National Music in Our Schools and Youth Art Month * Maryland Women's History Month and International Women's Day
4) Decision on School/Organization Sponsored Project: Norrisville Elementary School Bioretention and Rain Garden Facilities
5) Decision on School/Organization Sponsored Project: Patterson Mill Middle/High School Riparian Forest Buffer Planting
VI. New Business
B. Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Ms. Jean Mantegna Presentation(s):
C. Presentation of HCPS Board Policies, Patrick P. Spicer, Esq. * Advertising (Policy No. 06-0024-000) * Memorials on School Grounds (Policy No. 06-0025-000) * Naming of Public School Buildings or Facilities (Policy No. 20-0024-000)
D. Strategic Plan Update #4, Presentation on Student and Parent Satisfaction Survey, Ms. Teri Kranefeld, Ms. Leann Schubert, Mr. Phil Snyder * Informational Report
E. Presentation of Legislative Update, Ms. Kathy Carmello
F. Superintendent's Report
VII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
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