Video index
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
I. Call to Order - Mrs. Nancy Reynolds, President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognitions * Superintendent's 2014 Student Advisory Council * 2013 National Board Certified Teachers * Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
III. Board Committee Reports and Comments
IV. Public Comment
V. Presentation - Harford County Education Association Mr. Ryan Burbey and Mr. Harold Breaux
VI. Old Business
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Monthly Report on Personnel Goal 3)
2) Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: April 14, 2014 (Goals 1 - 4)
3) Non-Retention Report 2014 (Goal 3)
4) Ratification of Negotiated Agreement with Harford County Education Association (HCEA) (Goal 3)
5) Ratification of Negotiated Agreement with Association of Public School Administrators and Supervisors of Harford County (APSASHC) (Goal 3)
6) Ratification of Negotiated Agreement with Harford County Educational Services Council (HCESC) (Goal 3)
7) Food Price Increases for 2014-2015 School Year (Goal 4)
8) Aberdeen High School Stadium and Weight Room Upgrades (Goal 4)
9) George D. Lisby Elementary Roof Replacement (Goal 4)
10) Resolutions: (Goal 2) * School Nutrition Employee Appreciation Week * Home and Hospital Teacher Appreciation Week * 2014 Merit Scholastic Award * National Physical Fitness and Sports Month * Pupil Personnel Worker Week * School Nurses Day * Teacher Appreciation Week
B. Decision on HCPS Board Policy, Patrick P. Spicer, Esq. (Goals 1-4) * School Calendar (20-0002-000)
VII. New Business
C. Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Mrs. Jean A. Mantegna (Goal 3) Presentation(s):
D. Superintendent's Report
VIII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
Apr 28, 2014 Board of Education Business Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
I. Call to Order - Mrs. Nancy Reynolds, President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognitions * Superintendent's 2014 Student Advisory Council * 2013 National Board Certified Teachers * Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
III. Board Committee Reports and Comments
IV. Public Comment
V. Presentation - Harford County Education Association Mr. Ryan Burbey and Mr. Harold Breaux
VI. Old Business
A. Consent Agenda:
1) Monthly Report on Personnel Goal 3)
2) Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: April 14, 2014 (Goals 1 - 4)
3) Non-Retention Report 2014 (Goal 3)
4) Ratification of Negotiated Agreement with Harford County Education Association (HCEA) (Goal 3)
5) Ratification of Negotiated Agreement with Association of Public School Administrators and Supervisors of Harford County (APSASHC) (Goal 3)
6) Ratification of Negotiated Agreement with Harford County Educational Services Council (HCESC) (Goal 3)
7) Food Price Increases for 2014-2015 School Year (Goal 4)
8) Aberdeen High School Stadium and Weight Room Upgrades (Goal 4)
9) George D. Lisby Elementary Roof Replacement (Goal 4)
10) Resolutions: (Goal 2) * School Nutrition Employee Appreciation Week * Home and Hospital Teacher Appreciation Week * 2014 Merit Scholastic Award * National Physical Fitness and Sports Month * Pupil Personnel Worker Week * School Nurses Day * Teacher Appreciation Week
B. Decision on HCPS Board Policy, Patrick P. Spicer, Esq. (Goals 1-4) * School Calendar (20-0002-000)
VII. New Business
C. Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Mrs. Jean A. Mantegna (Goal 3) Presentation(s):
D. Superintendent's Report
VIII. Closing Future Meetings Review Adjournment
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